Migration for data collection on dublin airport security times
So I had been using the free heroku instance that I had access to to run the data collection. However recently that service was has been shut down https://blog.heroku.com/next-chapter and I have had to move to AWS lambda, making use of their free tier along with the fact I have 25 dollars worth of credits. So I should be able to keep the data collection running for the foreseeable future. Another modfication to the code I had to make was instead of it being a service that runs constantly but only performs data colleciton every 10 minutes now it will run on lambda once but that lambda function is triggered every 10 minutes.
Patch the dog passed away
Talking about the passing of my dog Patch, this website’s mascot
Getting data on dublin airport security times
Recently there been issues in dublin airport regarding long wait times, so for curiosity I’ve decided to record dublin airport security times and after a year or so will release it and make some nice graphs.
Podcast Filtering Spotify
I watch a decent amount of podcasts on spotify and have become a bit frustrated when searching for specific episodes of a particular show as when I go to a show’s page on spotify it doesn’t allow me to filter episodes with a specific name or description. So I built a project that allows for more effective filtering of podcasts on spotify. When you go to a podcast page on spotify it does not allow for searching for specific episodes. So this service allows for finding a podcast going to its page then filtering the episodes down with a search string. This search method just checks if the podcast episode name or description contain the string.
Happy number checker
Been using python to calculate happy numbers. Happy numbers are numbers which eventually reaches 1 when replaced by the sum of the square of each digit. Currently it can handle over a 1000 numbers a second and uses a python dicitionary to cache previously checked numbers to speed up calculations. However this will eventually produce a memory error as the dictionary gets bigger. I am looking into ways to make it more efficient such as only storing happy numbers and checking if the current number’s sum has already been checked as a happy number.
Made a jekyll site
This is just the first post about making the website, which you are currently looking at, presumably with your eyes. As you may have guessed from the title this website is made with jekyll